You have a unique ownership opportunity with the release of up to six limited-edition Fibonacci STEINWAY Model Bs. All the Fibonacci Model Bs are also STEINWAY & SONS SPIRIOS—high resolution player pianos—and are available for purchase at Fields Pianos. The Fibonacci — a feat of artistry, engineering and precision, designed by master artisan Frank Pollaro.
Fill out the form below to request more information or call (714) 662-2117.
The Fibonacci spiral represents a numerological sequence that reflects the geometric harmony found in nature, from the sunflower to the pineapple to the continuum of the galaxy itself. The Fibonacci spiral permits the Nautilus shell to grow without changing its shape. STEINWAY & SONS, too, evolves while retaining an historic form. The logo itself spans time, one ‘S’ looking back to legacy, its mirror looking forward to the future, capped with an orb symbolizing our unwavering pursuit of perfection as we seek to empower artists to unleash the purest expression of their art.
Employed in mathematics as far back as the first century, the Fibonacci sequence epitomizes the golden ratio, a balance of pleasing proportions found throughout history across architecture, art, design and even music. The Fibonacci from STEINWAY & SONS and Frank Pollaro embodies this perfect harmonious balance that connects us to and inspires beauty in so many forms.
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